Brainstorm Your Goals

Setting goals can be a painful task. Many of us sit and wonder, “What DO I want to accomplish?” For others, it’s, “I have TOO MUCH to do, I don’t know where to start!”

Being able to list things out and organize them sounds simple but it becomes overwhelming as you get into the weeds and become lost in the details.

The Power of Brainstorming Your Goals

It’s hard to start a list when you don’t know what to put on it or you look around and think, “well, that should probably go on a list, but I know I’ll never get to it.” 

Keeping a high-level view of all the overall tasks is the best way to keep things in order. And if you don’t know what you want to accomplish, creating a list lets the juices start flowing.

Writing out a list is really just a brainstorming activity. It’s a way to get everything that is in your head out where you can see it and organize it. 

When you’re overwhelmed by “all the things,” making a list can feel like just another “thing” to do. This happened the other day with one of my clients. 

Overcoming Overwhelm: Brainstorm Your Goals

She was so overwhelmed by all the “things.” I let her go on and on about all the things and how little time she had to get it all done. During this time, I was jotting down everything she mentioned.

At the end of the conversation, I let her know that, if she wanted, we could go over the list and try to organize it and set up a strategy to get things completed.

She declined that session (for now) but did request the list. Even that little bit helped her to see what was real and what she was creating mountains out of. 

She now has a physical thing to turn to in order to keep the chaos at bay for a minute or two. This is all a list does, pulls the information out of the ether (and your brain) and puts it somewhere you won’t have to remember it. You can just go back to the list.

Strategies to Brainstorm Your Goals Effectively

Having this information in the physical world also allows you to see how it’s all put together. You can organize it by many different criteria and determine which is best for you. Just like organizing your drive around town errands. You can either start close to home and move outward to enjoy a nice drive back. Or you can take the drive to the furthest place to center yourself and work your way back home.

Either way, it’s better than going from one place close to home to the furthest out, then back to a place somewhere in between only to remember another thing way far out there…and back and forth you go.

It’s the same way with goals. You have to get them out of your head in some manner to be able to look at all the moving parts and make decisions on the best way for YOU to go about it. The way that will make things easiest for YOU. The way that will keep you excited and engaged in the process.

So go ahead, start brainstorming your list! Just pull out a piece of paper and put down all those crazy, weird ideas that are running around in your head. Let them see the light of day. You don’t have to do anything about them, just let them be. The right ones will catch your eye.

And once they do, pick them up and do something with it. Post it on your mirror so you see it every day. Take one small action toward it so you can feel it getting closer. Make one decision that shows the universe you have made it a priority.

Want to learn more about effective goal setting and making your BIG Dreams happen? Come join us for the next Dream BIG Webinar. We’ll cover what’s stopping you from truly going for your BIG Dream, how to overcome those obstacles, and strategies you can use to start taking action now so you can build your best, most outrageous, fun, and adventurous Dream life!

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