Commit to your dream

It can be scary to fully commit to your dream. There are lots of distractions and reasons why you shouldn’t go for it, but they are all things to keep you small.

They keep you trapped in the day to day and keep you from focusing on the BIG Dream. Children can learn to be self-sufficient. Laundry can wait a day. Not everything is really an emergency. Most of the time those “emergencies” are really just inconveniences that are blown out of proportion.

Overcoming Distractions to Commit to Your Dream

When you’re running around trying to put out all the fires, you’re not securing the important areas. Sometimes you have to let some things burn as you take control of the major areas.

YOU are one of those major areas! By ensuring that you are taken care of you give yourself, and others, the capability to get the important things completed…and the rest falls into place.

The decision is yours as to what is important and relative to your BIG Dreams. Learned helplessness is a thing and doesn’t benefit anyone involved.

Focus on Your BIG Dream

When you shift your attention towards your BIG Dreams, others need to shift as well. This can be a difficult time until everyone settles into their new normal. Stay your course and do your best to be compassionate as others find their way in your new world.

You have been thinking about this dream for a long time. You’ve had time to acclimate to your new direction. You’ve had the epiphany and the drive to choose this dream. To the outside world, your choice may look like it’s come from nowhere and they will balk.

Remember your journey to this point. Hold firm and share with those who understand and support you. But be kind. What you see as a turn of the wheel, others may see as an earthquake.

Embrace Change and Commit to Your Dream

Just as the earth shifts and moves underneath us at all times, we don’t see it until the volcano erupts and the earth splits open wide.

Your shift may be strange to you as well. Heading off in a different direction brings new adventures and things to learn. Just as you would with others, give yourself some compassion.

You will need to go through those ideals you’ve carried this far to see if they still serve or if they have completed their lessons. You may need to let go of some strongly held beliefs and contemplate new ones.

What you learned growing up may no longer be true in this adult life and world.

Look at history and how it has changed. What was normal and matter of fact 50 - 100 years ago seems outrageous and sometimes disgusting today. The same is true for our personal past.

Every day we have the opportunity to make things better, not only for ourselves but for those around us. You will bump into those ideas and expectations from your previous self, and you have to be willing to question them. To really look at them and work out if they are still in alignment with what you want now. Do they align with your BIG Dream?

It is an emotional journey. But when you keep that BIG Dream in sight, you will make it through. And one day you will look back and smile with gratitude for all you overcame to be exactly where you wanted to be.

This does not happen alone. You need others who understand and support your efforts for change and BIG Dreams. People who want to see that spark within you shine. And when you first make the decision to commit to your dream, those immediately around you may not be those people. (Don’t worry, they’ll get there. 😉)

If you’re looking for some support and guidance through this process, I invite you to come check out the next Dream BIG Webinar and discover how to transform uncertainty and change it into the stepping-stones for YOUR version of success.

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