Knowing When to Expand or Contract

It's a fine line of knowing when to expand or contract yourself. If you stretch too much you can cause damage and pain. If you contract too much you get stuck in a rut. There is a balance between the two. 

The Balance Between Expansion and Contraction

Just like a muscle, you can keep stretching and you think it's the right thing, but then complications show up and that muscle starts giving you problems. So you stretch it again, and it feels good for a moment but more issues arise. 

I learned this lesson from my physical trainer. I had a few muscles in my back that just kept annoying me and causing pain. He suggested that, instead of stretching, I contract them instead. The results were amazing! My back grew stronger and the pain went away.

It had something to do with allowing the muscle to do what it was made for instead of pulling it out of shape in one direction. 

Don't get me wrong, stretching is good and prepares you for the upcoming work. But, just like a rubber band, you can't keep the stretch forever. You need to allow the contraction to happen as well. That's where the strength comes from.

If you balance your stretching, be it physical, mental, or emotional, with the contraction, your literal, and figurative, muscles will grow exponentially. 

The stretch gives you some space between the threads, releasing what no longer serves and creating more surface area to work within. And the contraction builds those threads up to be able to handle more and more of whatever you bring it. More strength, more resilience, more power. 

Can you see where you just keep stretching and stretching yourself, be it physical, mental, or emotional? Look for the signs: physical pain, mental exhaustion, emotional overload, or just plain burnout. 

Signs You’re Stretching Too Much

What can you do that is opposite of what you've been doing in this area to create the contraction that will build strength? 

  • Physical pain - move your body differently, check in with your doctor or physical trainer 
  • Mental exhaustion - do something that takes no thought process, play and create silly things
  • Emotional - go to therapy, find safe people, those who love and support you and cry in their arms 
  • Burnout - REST

Building Strength Through Contraction

These opposite things will build your strength and stamina as you move forward. It's about balance and health in your pursuit of that BIG Hairy Audacious Dream. It's not all "GO, GO, GO!" There has to be time for rest and contemplation.

It’s not always easy to see where you’re stretching or contracting too much. Having a partner who is in tune with you and your goals is an effective way to get some outside perspective on what’s working and what’s not. The BIG Dreams Blueprint is a great place to start. Join us this October 24-26, 2024 for a 3-day virtual live event, where you'll identify your dreams, begin to create a roadmap to achieve them, and find the support you need to build your strength and capability to achieve your BIG Dream!

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