Identify Your Next Big Dream

Feeling stuck in life often comes from not knowing what you want. You wake up one day and wonder, “Is this my life? Really?”

Start by Looking Back: What Used to Light You Up?

You find that, while you may have enjoyed your career and you’ve loved raising your kids, now that you have a bit more time and freedom, you don’t know where to spend it. What do you REALLY enjoy? What do you REALLY want to do with your life now that you have the space to think about it?

It takes some time to adjust to the old familiar responsibilities fading away. So, start thinking about what used to light you up. What did you want to do when you were a kid? Some of those things were just “kid stuff”, but some of those things have a little bit of gold in them, a hint of the true you. Take some time to contemplate, meditate, and remember. Then jot those items down.

Sort them into categories. Here are some examples, but feel free to create your own:

  • Kid Stuff

  • Cool/Fun Things

  • Seemingly Impossible

  • Scary but Exciting

And look at your career. Is it what you really wanted or was it what was convenient and paid the bills? What did you enjoy about it? Where did you excel? Jot those down too.

What are some things that have piqued your interest over the years, but you never got the chance to explore them?

As you review these items, look for patterns. Look for those things that give you a twinge of excitement, followed quickly by your brain perking up and saying “No, no, no. That’s just silly. You can’t do THAT!” This is usually followed by a sense of shame and sadness that you even thought about doing such a thing.

These are the items to put first on your list!

Explore the Patterns: Look for Excitement and Fear

Listen, you are no longer a child. You no longer have to worry about what others think. You have done your “duty”, whatever that is, and it’s time for you to shine. The world is full of endless possibility, and it’s just waiting for you to step forward and claim it.

There will be a time in which you will need to negotiate with your ‘old self’ and those around you who are not too sure who this new version of you will look like. Just like kids who grow and change, you are in a state of flux and becoming something more than you were.

It can be scary and disruptive. People may try to keep you in the little box both you and they have placed around you. The draw to conform and fit in is strong, but it’s also what keeps you small and withered.

But I’m here to let you know that getting up, stretching, and shining your light more brightly will bring about a more amazing life for you and show others that it’s available to them as well. The caterpillar must transform into the butterfly.

You have many opportunities to take the road less traveled, many opportunities to transform your life. It is by the choices you make today that create the life you have tomorrow.

Step Forward: It’s Time to Transform into Your Best Self

Choosing to move forward with your BIG Dream can be scary. It’s important to have someone, or a group of someones, who support you fully. People who will remind you of why you’re taking this chance to have a slightly different and bigger adventure. 

People who want you to become the butterfly…because transformation isn’t easy and we can get pulled into old routines that are comfortable. We need cheerleaders to let us know it’s ok, even in tough times.

Taking that first step toward identifying and embracing your next BIG Dream may feel daunting, but it’s also the beginning of a journey that could lead to the most fulfilling chapter of your life. By reflecting on your passions and desires, you open the door to endless possibilities. Don’t let fear or doubt hold you back - now is the time to stretch beyond your comfort zone and start living the life you’ve always imagined.

That’s where the BIG Dreams Blueprint comes in. Join us for a 3-day virtual live event where you’ll uncover your true passions, build actionable goals, and connect with a supportive community that will cheer you on every step of the way. This is your opportunity to transform your life and realize your BIG Dream. Take that bold step forward - your future is waiting!

Ready to Transform?

Discover the path to your Dream

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Join us at Dodona Coaching to uncover the potential of your next life phase.