Confidence Through Self-Care: What Works for YOU

When struggling with confidence, self-care is essential. Self-care is more than just good food, exercise, and meditation. It’s about what rejuvenates you at a body, mind, and soul level.

To be honest, this is an area I still struggle with. It’s hard to do for yourself when you’ve become so used to doing for others. But it is imperative if you want a happy and healthy life and achieve your BIG Dream.

The Personal Side of Self-Care

We all know the generic ways of self-care, eat healthy, exercise, rest. We hear about them all the time when we’re watching TV, listening to the radio (is that still a thing?), doom scrolling on social, or driving down the road.

The constant ads about this beauty product, that mattress, this organic food source, or the new-fangled ab machine. The barrage can be overwhelming and lead to depression because we don’t look like “them” and probably never will.

The key to self-care is to find what works for YOU. Your regime is not going to look like anyone else’s because you have different interests and needs. So, put away all the “shoulds” and let’s start exploring the “coulds”.

Reconnecting with What Lights You Up

When you start looking at what truly feeds your soul, mind, and spirit, you will begin to see what lights you up. Use these things to feed your confidence.

For example, I love to dance. I’ve been dancing since 7th grade. I’m trained in jazz, tap, ballet, modern, and a little ballroom. I’m also a bit (*cough* a LOT) of a MetalHead. 🤘But the only way to really get out and dance meant that I had to get out and go to a Country and Western place. I mean I could go find a mosh pit…but I’m getting a bit old for decent moshing these days. 😝

The thing is, life took over and dancing went by the wayside for a long time. I still be-bop around the house occasionally, but it’s become few and far between…and my body shows the lack of effort. So, this is an area I could improve on…find a decent dance floor in town and get my butt out there. I always feel happy and confident when I’m dancing, even if I’m packing extra these days.

What’s something you used to love doing that fell by the wayside? Try picking it back up and see how it goes.

Another example is from one of my clients. She wanted to get her body moving and while dance is fun, it wasn’t necessarily her thing. She’s a little more aggressive and wanted to learn how to box. So, she joined a boxing gym and started learning. She’s having so much fun and having the skills gives her a boost of confidence to move forward towards her BIG Dream.

Those are just two examples within the “exercise” genre of self-care. Within the spiritual realm it could be anywhere on the spectrum of going sky-clad into the woods or joining others in the pews. Find what works for you, no matter how strange it may seem to others…if it feeds your soul, heals your body, and supports your emotional well-being it’s perfect.

Your Unique Path to Confidence

All of your practices build you up, give you a sense of confidence, and will create a self-worth that will radiate out into the world…and we need that from you. 

Confidence isn’t just about what you do, it’s about the choices you make and the actions you take. Every decision, whether to move forward or stay still, carries both positive and negative consequences. The key is understanding which consequences will push you toward action and which ones will keep you stuck.

If you’ve been hesitating on taking the next step toward your BIG Dream, the Negative and Positive Consequences Guide will help you break free from the cycle of indecision. Learn how to tip the scales toward action and make the changes that will build your confidence from the inside out.

Download your free guide now and start shifting the balance in your favor!

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