Embrace Your Dream

Your dream is not a ‘have to’ it is a ‘get to’. You make the choice every single day to make it happen. In a world where there are so many ‘have tos’, keep your ‘get tos’ top of mind. This will keep you excited and motivated to keep taking action towards YOUR dreams, the things you say you want. 

Keep your 'get tos' top of mind

And if you change your mind, that's ok. Everyone makes shifts as they find out more information. Just because you said you want to dance doesn't mean you're stuck with ballet. You could find another form like Jazz, Tap, Modern, Contemporary, or Breaking. 

You might even be the one to create a whole new genre of dance. So be the Twyla Tharp, the Bob Fosse, or the Martha Graham of your chosen field. Make waves, create amazing work, touch people's hearts. 

Your dream is a choice, not a requirement

There is something within you that is trying to show itself to the world. It may have been beaten down over the years, but it's still bubbling up for you. Grab hold, nurture it. 

When you get scared and wake up in the morning afraid the world is going to crush you for daring to make it happen, just remember that you are grown now. The people who have done the crushing previously are no longer around. 

They may still be alive, but they no longer are within your sphere and can do you no harm. And if they are, you have the opportunity to create the safe space for your dreams, and you, to grow. 

It may not be easy, it rarely is, but it is worth every single tear to remove unhelpful, unsupportive people and environments and replace them with people and environments who see your amazingness, support your endeavors, and who want to see you succeed. 

Creating a safe space for your dream to grow

When those thoughts of, "I don't want to do (the thing), I just want to sleep/watch TV." remind yourself that it is a choice. You don't have to do anything. You GET to do the thing and see if that shifts your emotions and physical being. 

As my mentor Bari Baumgartner was just saying, "You choose."

If you need support finding your dream or creating the roadmap to make it happen, I'm here to help. You are invited to join the next BIG Dreams Blueprint, happening September 12 - 14th, 2024. 

This 3-day virtual live event will walk you through finding your BIG Dream and taking you through the steps of creating your personal roadmap.

You'll identify your biggest dreams and lay the foundation to achieve them, gain clarity and confidence to turn your dreams into actionable plans, and leave our event with renewed confidence and a sense of empowerment. 

This is your safe space to Dream BIG and achieve more!

Ready to Transform?

Discover the path to your Dream

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Join us at Dodona Coaching to uncover the potential of your next life phase.