Finding Time for Your Dreams Amid Life’s Chaos
When you’re overwhelmed with responsibilities, it can feel like your dreams are buried under everyone else’s needs. The hustle and bustle of everyday life can really take its toll on going for anything over and above the noise.
But there are moments between the “mom, mom, mom’s” or the “honey, what about this’” that, if you take a breath, you can make some moves for yourself.
By taking even a few milliseconds to focus on your BIG Dream within your busy day, things will start to shift, and you will begin to find more time, more space within your day for you.
Not gonna lie, the shifting may not be very smooth, it may even look like a sign that you should stop…but it’s not. As they say, “Shift Happens!” And it’s always trying to improve your life. It’s happening FOR you, not TO you.
Delegating Responsibilities To Reclaim Time
Start looking for areas in which those around you can start to take more responsibility in their own lives. Even young children can learn to do simple tasks without your supervision, let them. It may take some time and effort, but in the long run it will give you exponential time.
And if you’re a business owner, the same goes for you! You don’t need to oversee everything, even though you want to. If your people can do something at least 80% as well as you, LET THEM! Done is better than perfect. (Because there is no such thing as perfect!)
By allowing others to take on more responsibility, you gift yourself time. Time that would otherwise be spent on taking care of things that they can do. Time you can use to focus on your BIG Dream.
Creating Intentional Moments For Your Dreams
Another practice is to create your own moments of intentional time. Wake up 5 minutes earlier, use the time in the shower, brushing your teeth, cooking meals, driving. When you have moments in which you are doing things that require no thought, use that time to reconnect and focus on your BIG Dream. What plans can you make? What visions can be solidified? What connections can be made?
You will begin to see that you have so many of these moments in which you can do one small thing, make a plan for later, and establish a vision for the day. When you have a plan and a vision, you will find the moments in which you can take small actions…which will lead to larger actions and success.
When you make time, yes even milliseconds, to focus on what you want and desire, you are signaling to the universe that you are serious about your BIG Dream and are willing to take even the micro-est of baby steps to get there.
Micro Steps Build Your Dream’s Foundation
Big things happen when small steps are taken. Do what you can, when you can, and each micro-baby step will take you farther than you ever imagined. It is these steps that set the foundation for when the micro-responsibilities of today begin to morph into the grand design of your BIG Dream.
You have the time, it’s how you choose to use it. By making small choices to focus on your BIG Dream today, you gift yourself the success of tomorrow. Remember, the choices you make today directly affect your life in 6 hours, 6 weeks, 6 months, and 6 years.
Need some support in finding your focus? Download my free guide Find Your Focus: Empowering Women in Life Transitions to Take Charge of Their Next Chapter. This guide is crafted specifically to help clear the fog and move confidently forward. Align your focus with your aspirations, take back control of your life, and gain the clarity needed to propel forward!
Let’s make the New Year one in which you start to make your BIG Dreams come true!