Investing In Your Dreams

Last week I was at a conference that supports my business dreams and goals. It’s an investment in the BIG Dream. By giving intentional attention, focus, and monetary support towards your dreams, you show the universe your dedication to achieving the BIG Dream.

This is not to say that you should go broke “supporting” your BIG Dream. It is to say that a strategic investment in your future will pay dividends that you can’t imagine.

Investing time in your dreams

Start small, with TIME. Take the time to focus on your BIG Dream. Allow yourself to map it out. Schedule time to do the work to move yourself forward. Create vision boards, listen to podcasts, or watch YouTube on the subject. Find the people who are doing your thing, or something close to it, and follow them.

Having some knowledge, it’s time to put forth some effort. Taking action to test what you’ve researched. Doing the thing in the time you’ve scheduled. Making mistakes and learning along the way.

Strategic financial investment in your dreams

Then you can move to investing your resources.  Start with buying your favorite books. Buying the minimum initial tools. Get used to them, learn how it all works.

Once you feel ready to make a larger investment, find the courses that will move you forward. If your favorite person who is doing the thing has an offer that will enhance your journey, buy the thing! It’s worth it to “cut a check for speed”. Learn from the best and cut down on the time it takes to get to the goal line.

Chances are you will need to shift your mindset in some areas, or you will bump into some mental, emotional, or even physical trauma that occurred sometime in your life. I HIGHLY recommend finding a good therapist and investing in YOUR SANITY. This has been a game changer for me and has opened many doors I thought were closed in my own mind.

Embracing the Value of Your Dream

Being willing to invest your time, effort, and resources gives you access to people and places that will show up and help you navigate to your higher purpose. People and opportunities that would otherwise be hard to come by.

It can be scary and uncomfortable to invest in yourself because it may feel like “a waste” or that “there are more important things” to utilize those resources too. But your BIG Dream IS worth it! Anything that will bring you closer to your authentic self and helps you to achieve your goals is WORTH IT!

Ready to Transform?

Discover the path to your Dream

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