Navigating Life’s Chaos: Turning Obstacles Into Opportunities
Life can feel like a constant Shift-Storm™ when you're overwhelmed with too many responsibilities. Everything is up in the air and demanding attention, kids, work, partner, pets, house, cars…it’s hard to know what to tackle first.
There are different categories within the chaos:
Immediate - things like broken legs, power getting turned off, etc. Items that require your immediate attention to resolve.
Urgent – things that have an upcoming deadline. Projects, visitors, etc.
Simmering - things that are upcoming or looming overhead. Dealing with parents, doctor’s appointments, car maintenance, etc.
Constant - things that always need to be attended to. Children, pets, dinner, partners, etc.
Shifting Your Perspective During Chaos
It can feel like you’re the only one doing anything for everyone. Every time you quiet one thing down, another pops up. If you let it, all these things will bog you down and keep you from dreaming BIG. It can feel like there is no time to even breathe.
But breathe you must. Take a moment, even just 30 seconds, to take a deep breath in and out. See if you can shift your perspective just a little bit.
Ask yourself:
What is this clearing out of my way?
What is being upgraded?
What is being pointed out as no longer working in my life?
Where can I see growth happening?
Finding Hidden Opportunities In Setbacks
For example, we bought a new washer/dryer set that was installed incorrectly and destroyed our hardwood floors. And it just so happened that our laundry room was next to our kitchen. We ended up being without a kitchen for SIX MONTHS.
At first we were angry and upset. But then we started looking at what this disaster was doing FOR us. Our floors really needed some help, it had been 20 years of wear and tear.
We also found a fairly large hole in the subfloor as well as another leak that we had no idea of on the other side of the kitchen. We took this opportunity to be grateful for catching all of this before the damage got even worse.
Then we started to think, we have an opportunity to “get a new kitchen” with some financial help from the insurance funds. When this happened, we got excited about the opportunity to upgrade. We also found that the upgrades we were doing cost the same as putting the kitchen back to “norm.”
This shifting of perspective allowed us to be excited about the damage from the washer/dryer. It felt like the universe saying, “It’s time for an upgrade and you’re not listening…so I’m gonna do it for you!” 😜
It took some time and funds to complete, but it was SO AMAZING when it was done!
Leveraging Chaos For Growth And Alignment
When you go through your times of chaos and can shift your perspective on why and how it is happening, you see that you leap forward in your life. You get closer and closer to your aligned self and are able to support others in their journey from a stronger space.
Need some help navigating these obstacles? Download my FREE Navigating Shift-Storms™ guide. Its insightful prompts to help you quickly shift your perspective and help you to see the good in all that is happening in your chaotic life.