Overcoming Fear and Doubt

Fear and doubt are common Shift-Storms™ that show up when pursuing your dream. You wonder, “Who am I to be doing this thing?” or “I don’t know if I’m smart enough, talented enough, or good enough to make this thing happen." Ye olde “Who the heck do I think I am?” moment arrives and stops you in your tracks.

The Invisible Barriers of Fear and Doubt

There are a lot of ways fear and doubt can show up in one’s life. Past experience, other’s narratives, bumping into those blocks and walls that have kept you safe for so long.

There is a story about an experiment (not sure if it’s real or not) in which fleas were put inside a jar with a lid on it. The lid remained on for a few days, so the fleas could only jump so high. Then they removed the lid and observed…not one flea jumped out of the jar, even though it was open.

They had been trained where the ceiling was and they couldn’t go any further, so didn’t even try.

Challenging the “Ceiling” Holding You Back

In a lot of areas, we have been trained. Family, friends, school, and society all have their rules and restraints. These are generally there so that chaos doesn’t ensue. BUT, they are NOT hard-fast and set in stone, even if they feel like they are.

Just look around at the different levels of society, from the poorest of the poor to the richest of the rich. There are varying levels of “ceiling” around. And, honestly, the idea of a “ceiling” is just that…an idea.

There are many examples of the poorest of the poor rising to become the richest of the rich by nothing but sheer willingness to do whatever it took to make their dreams come true. Where was their “ceiling”?

It can be scary to push the boundaries of what has been, what’s “acceptable” to those around you. It can be terrifying to move beyond your own personal safety gates. Because the big wide open brings things unknown. All the “what if’s” come rushing in and your internal structures scream “STOP!”

When this happens just remember, the idea picked you. That spark of “OOO! That looks exciting!” showed up in you. The universe, while seemingly chaotic, has its own patterns and knows what it needs. You are a part of that weaving. Your interests are there for you to explore.

Remember that you are doing this thing, going for something different, and that you have the experience behind you to deal with the obstacles that will show up. You will learn even more about what’s needed for your journey and build the skills to make it happen.

Moving Forward with Courage and Awareness

Be aware of the dangers, because there are always dangers. Be willing to learn, because there is always something new. And remind yourself, this is your dream.

It’s ok to stop for a moment and feel the feelings. Your emotions provide the signposts to keep you aware. Aware of when you’re crossing the line into the unknown. They provide the moment to take stock and adjust with intelligence instead of barreling through without any regard.

Move with your emotions. Dance them out, sing them out, cry the full belly cry, and wail the loudest wail. Let your emotions MOVE. They are, after all, e-MOTIONs.

Then take a moment and future-cast. Imagine your world when you’ve achieved your dream, and it will give you the strength and courage to move forward when you feel like stopping.

I do this regularly as my emotions can get the better of me sometimes. The fear of letting people down, of having to go back and pick up the pieces of something that didn’t work. The fear of tripping over my own feet and landing on my face in front of everyone. The fear of going for the thing and totally bombing.

I’ve done that MORE than once! It’s not all that fun, but I’ve learned through it all. And honestly, who cares if it makes a big splash or not? If it fulfils your spirit, makes you happy, and maybe helps someone else out…DO IT!

Fear and doubt may try to keep you stuck, but they don’t have to define your path. When you recognize the mental barriers holding you back, you can challenge them, shift your perspective, and move forward with confidence. Every great dream requires stepping beyond what feels comfortable—and you don’t have to do it alone.

If fear and doubt are showing up as you take steps toward your BIG Dream, the Navigating Shift-Storms™ Guide can help. This tool will walk you through the process of identifying what’s holding you back, shifting your mindset, and finding the clarity and courage to move forward.

✨ Download your free guide now and start moving past the fear! 🚀
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