Taking Personal Risks

There are times when you may feel like “what have I done?!?” when going for your BIG Dreams. These times can be really scary because you are taking risks. These could be very small risks or they could be really BIG risks.

Understanding the Fear of Taking Risks

Usually there is a fear of retribution or backlash from those around us because when we risk we put those around us in potential danger as well. This is part of the process of shifting. 

When you shift, those around you must shift as well and they may not want to or like the shift that is happening. There is also the possibility that they cannot see the value in the risk you are taking and don’t understand the good that might come on the other side. This is a hard balance to maintain and sometimes you need to push the boundaries towards your risk.

Balancing Risks and Shifts in Your Life

Risks come in all shapes and sizes. There are financial risks, emotional risks, physical risks, spiritual risks, and risks you can’t pin down to one thing. But if you can see the other side and the possibilities that await there, I believe it’s your duty and privilege to go for it. 

You were given the vision of what could be. You are being given the tools to make it happen. Others cannot see what you see, but they can support you in creating your BIG Dream. But you need to realize and admit that your actions affect others as well.  

This is a TEAM effort, even if you’re pulling the most weight. You are the leader of this dream and it’s imperative to keep your teammates enrolled in your dream, especially when taking the bigger risks

Starting Small: Building Confidence Through Action

By taking smaller risks you'll get used to the uncomfortable feeling and prove to yourself that you are trustworthy and capable. This will lead to bigger risks with higher dividends.  But take it slow and allow the feelings to come up. Sit with them for a while. 

  • What message are they bringing you? 
  • What story are they telling? 
  • Where did this story start? 
  • Is this story true for you today, or are you older and more experienced now?

You may find that the stories you are living in were stories that began at a young age. And your conditioned response is something that helped you survive then. 

I'm here to tell you that you have grown and you've created a space in which you no longer need to behave in the same manner. This is your life and you get to choose what you do with it. It may take some time to change the habits and thoughts but you are capable. 

Take the small risks and prove to yourself that you are capable. Build your confidence with action. Learn something new. Try something a little adventurous. Succeed in the micro-baby steps, they will lead you to giant leaps!

Want to learn more? Come join the free Dream BIG Webinar and find out just how simple it can be. Take one small risk today and let me know how it goes.

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