When in Doubt, Embrace Your Zone of Genius

Lack of confidence often stems from forgetting the unique qualities that make us capable. We all have things we do well and things we could improve. There are also things that we do SO WELL, with such ease, that we forget they are “things”. This is a part of your Zone of Genius.

Overcoming Doubt to Find Your Zone of Genius

We also have experiences where people have put us down and shamed us for doing things we loved that caused us to doubt our abilities. It’s hard when those you look up to or love tell you that your natural talents are ‘not good enough’ or ‘silly and stupid’. Even society can step in and say “THIS is what good is and if you don’t measure up, you shouldn’t even try it.”

Well, I call BS! It is my belief that if you enjoy something, you should do it! You may not have what it takes to be on Broadway, but that shouldn’t stop you from singing or dancing! While outside voices may have cast doubt on your gifts, they never took them away. Your strengths are still there, waiting to be reclaimed.

You have innate talents and things that bring you joy, whether you’re “good’ at it or not. And you should ENJOY those things without shame.

We all have our little areas (or BIG as the case may be) of nerddom and they should be enjoyed and celebrated!

A friend of mine had a son who was totally into radio towers and maps at the age of 5. He grew up to be a Master Control Operator for his local public television station and an amateur cartographer.

This is not to say that what you enjoyed at 5 years old will lead you to a fulfilling career. It’s just a way for you to chart your own journey from a heart centered way.

Understanding Your Zone of Genius

Everyone has their four zones of competence:

Incompetence – Areas in which you either know nothing or have some knowledge but have no skill with. These are the things you suck at. 😜

Competence – Areas in which you have some knowledge and passable skills. It’s not the best, but it’s done and you’re ok with it. 🤷‍♀️

Excellence – Areas in which you have knowledge and have mastered the skills. Everything is done well, and you are sought after…BUT it’s not that exciting to you. 💪

Genius – Area(s) in which you have extensive knowledge and experience, have mastered the skills, and do the work effortlessly…so much so that you don’t think much of it. It comes fairly naturally to you, and you LOVE doing the work. 🌟

Think back to a time when you felt completely in flow, when you lost track of time doing something you loved. That was your Zone of Genius shining through.

Reconnecting with Your Zone of Genius

Remember, you were given a divine spark when you were born, something that only you bring to this world. It may have gotten hidden away due to the nature of your experiences as the years went by, but that spark is yours and is waiting for you to pull it from its hiding place.

No amount of outside influence will dim its light. It keeps on shining and becomes the still voice within that guides you in life.

If you’re brave enough to listen and take even the smallest amount of action on that small pull towards your Zone of Genius, you will live an extraordinary life.

Want to get in touch with your divine spark, wake up your dream machine, and regain insight into your lost dreams? Download the free Dream Meditation and unlock the hidden dream within you.

Your Zone of Genius is already within you, you just need to recognize and embrace it. The things that come naturally to you, the skills you love using, and the passions that light you up are not random; they are part of your divine spark. Don’t let outside voices dim your brilliance. Instead, lean into what excites you, follow your natural gifts, and step fully into the extraordinary life waiting for you. 

Your dream isn’t gone, it’s just been waiting for you to remember it. Take the first step back to your BIG Dream today.

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