How to Celebrate Even When Overwhelmed
When you’re overwhelmed, it’s easy to feel like nothing is going right. Everything feels like it’s an obstacle or a roadblock. People don’t call back, things don’t fit right, stuff breaks… it’s CRAZY making!
The Universe May Be Clearing the Way
There are two things that could be happening either:
The universe is putting things in place for you and it’s just not the right divine timing yet.
The universe needs YOU to be in a certain state in order for the right people and things to be able to show up.
I recently had a situation in which I was helping a couple of friends who were ill. It was supposed to be a short time, but everything just went sideways, and nothing went according to plan. The help they needed became beyond my capability. I did what I could and tried to help them find the assistance they needed but nothing seemed to be working.
It turned out that we all needed to get to a place of frustration that incited a call to their daughter who lives far out of town. Now this was something they didn’t want to do, but I was at a breaking point and couldn’t see any other option.
As soon as I made the call, everything started falling into place. The world shifted and calls were returned, people showed up, things fell right into place. They got the assistance they needed, and the stress levels lowered.
Gratitude in the Midst of the Chaos
But even in the midst of all the chaos, we found little things to celebrate and be grateful for. And that helped us get through a lot of the rough patches.
Even though some folks were hard to get a hold of, we had someone to call.
Even though I couldn’t do all the things, I could do something.
Emotions flared and yet we remained friends.
Even screaming at the top of our lungs for a minute or two allowed us to celebrate feeling all the feelings and giggle a little because we made it a bigger thing than it originally was. “That scream wasn’t loud enough; you can do better!”
You see, emotions need to move. It’s even in the name e-MOTION. So, when you’re feeling all the things and find yourself tightening up, make a sound. Make it a game with those around you. Who can be the loudest? Not AT each other but WITH each other. And just noise, no words. Let the feelings move. And celebrate the noise.
Maybe even dance a little to your own vocalizations. I do this while driving in traffic and starting to feel the onset of road rage. I start making up songs about the people around me who don’t seem to be able to drive. 😝 My favorite one is about the old man in an old truck doing 25 on the freeway onramp driving home from work. 🎶He’s a pokey, pokey man in a pokey, pokey truck that can’t go very fast. 🎶 (sung like a 3-year-old)
Shift Your Perspective with Small Celebrations
Celebrating when things are overwhelming can be hard. It’s a choice to move your vision from all the things that are going wonky and not working to something small that IS working. These little celebratory choices help to lift spirits and find avenues out of the muck.
If you’re in the midst of a Shift-Storm™ and feeling overwhelmed, find something small to celebrate. “Yes, the rest of what’s happening sucks, but this ONE thing is good! I did this ONE thing!” (no matter how small) and then do a quick 10-Second Bootie Wiggle™. For ease and convenience, download the 10-Second Bootie Wiggle song for yourself!